First Coast CNA: Certified Nursing Assistant Training Classes
Begin your career in nursing with the most comprehensive certified nursing assistant CNA classes you’ll find in Jacksonville, FL.
CNA Certification & Training Classes
Certified Training Programs
First Coast Training is accredited by the Florida Board of Nursing and Florida Department of Education.
Get trained quickly
Our cna classes are streamlined and efficient to make the most of your precious time.
Learn from the best
Learn from highly experienced and professional nurses with a small student-to-instructor ratio
Sponsorship & Financing Available
Multiple options are available to help you cover the costs of your cna classes and training. Learn More
Help with Job Placement
We maintain relationships with top quality employers and will help you find a job when you graduate.
American Red Cross
Our program was created following the best-in-class American Red Cross training curriculum.
CNA CLASSES - Select a Program | Class Below
120-Hour CNA Training Program
Our complete 120-HR Nursing Assistant Training Program
* FL DOE and FL BON accredited and certified
* Price: $1,100 (Sponsorships and tuition financing available)
* 4-Week day program (M-F 9am - 2.30pm)
* 5-Week evening program (M-Th 5pm - 10pm)
* Only required to take and pass the written portion of FL CNA certification exam.
2-Day CNA Exam Prep Training Class
For those who wish to challenge the CNA State Exam
* Price: $250
* 14 to 20-hour 2 day exam prep class (Sat - Sun)
* Learn, practice, and review all 22 skills tested in the FL CNA certification exam, and review quizzes and written exams.
* Required to take and pass both clinical skills and written portions of FL CNA certification exam.
2 – 4 Hour Review / Refresh Course
For those who wish to freshen up on their skills and theory before they take the CNA State Exam
CNA ClassesLearn all that you need to know to be a successful CNA
Upcoming Classes
120 Hour Nursing Assistant Training Program Day 1 – Day Classes
Class Time: 9 am to 2.30 pm, Mon – Fri
120 Hour Nursing Assistant Training Program Day 1 – Day Classes
Class Time: 9 am to 2.30 pm, Mon – Fri
120 Hour Nursing Assistant Training Program Day 1 – Night Classes
Class Time: 5 pm to 10 pm, Mon – Thu
120 Hour Nursing Assistant Training Program Day 1 – Day Classes
Class Time: 9 am to 2.30 pm, Mon – Fri
Resources for CNA's and Students
How to Become a CNA in Florida
How to Become a CNA in Florida Are you wondering how to become a CNA in Florida? well, the simple answer is, that to become a CNA in…
What It Means To Challenge the CNA Test in Florida
How to Challenge the CNA Test in Florida If you’ve gone through an average schooling scenario, you are used to attending a class, studying,…
CNA in a Hospital vs. a Nursing Home
CNA in a Hospital or a Nursing Home? Becoming a CNA is sort of like one of those “Choose Your Own Adventure” novels. For those who don’t…
How To Care for Your Bedbound Patients
For most of us, it’s hard to imagine being in a position where we can’t get out of bed. For some people, that is the daily reality. As a…
How To Prepare for the CNA Exam
How to Prepare for the CNA Exam After weeks of working hard in your program and thinking positive thoughts, the day has arrived. It’s time…
Compelling Reasons to Become a CNA
Reasons to become a CNA If you’re currently reading this page, chances are you have already thought about becoming a certified nursing…
What You Need To Be a Successful CNA
How to be a successful CNA It’s one thing to be able to do a job, but it’s another thing entirely to do a job well. This is true in any…
CNA Essential Roles
What are the CNA essential roles? On this blog, we celebrate the hard work and determination of those wanting to become certified nursing…
How To Start Your Career as a CNA in Florida
How to Start Your Career as a CNA in Florida You’ve been watching the news and are eager to help. Perhaps you’ve always had a heart for…
Why CNAs Must Pass a Level 2 Background Check
A time comes in everyone’s life when they need a second chance, and for a lot of people, becoming a CNA is that second chance. Using your…
Tips To Help You Learn (and Remember) Medical Terminology
The human body is a vastly complicated structure. Just look at the nervous system; there are over seven trillion nerves. If you aren’t a…
How To Pass Your Multiple-Choice CNA Test
Being a CNA is a tactile job. You work with your hands as you help move, feed, and clean patients. So, it makes sense that a big part of…
What You Should Wear To Your CNA Exam
When you’re dressing for your first day of CNA class, there isn’t a lot to stress about. You’re just starting out, and the focus is on…
What To Wear To Your First CNA Class
When we were kids, our parents, peers, and local clothing stores made a big deal about what we wore on our first day of school. Your outfit…
How To Handle Patient Complaints as a CNA
If you’ve ever worked a job that deals with that great entity known as “The Public,” you know all about complaints. You’ve probably had…
Celebrating CNAs | Reasons Why CNAs are So Important
Certified nursing assistant. Don’t let the medical-sounding terminology fool you. If you look it up in a thesaurus, you’ll find it’s a…
How To Protect Nursing Home Residents During COVID-19
It takes a lot of courage to face a global pandemic and work with the group most susceptible to the illness. But one day, when this all…
Tips for Caring With Patients With Memory Loss
Perhaps without meaning to, we often take for granted the value of memory and its role in our everyday lives. It’s our link to our pasts…
How To Recognize and Avoid Caregiver Burnout
When you decided to become a CNA, you probably did so in part because you wanted to make the world a better place. But the constant…
The Importance of Communication Skills as a CNA
When people list the factors of a good relationship, communications usually comes up at some point on the list. Without communication, we…
Tips for Assisting Patients With Eating and Drinking
To state the obvious, food is important. If you’re fighting illnesses, it’s even more vital. Unfortunately, even though the sick and…
How To Care for Incontinent Patients
In the novel Tuesdays with Morrie, we watch Professor Morrie Shultz slowly succumb to the ravages of ALS. In a somewhat humorous take on a…
The Most Common Job Settings for CNAs
CNAs have one of the most practical sets of skills. Being able to take vitals and knowing how to care for people when they’re at their…
Proper Techniques To Take Vital Signs
Vital signs are called vital signs for a reason—they’re vital. They measure some of the most basic functions of our body, whether our heart…
Duties of CNAs Working in Home Health Care
In our blog, we love discussing the versatility of being a certified nursing assistant. We’ve talked about working with patients in a…
What You Should Know About CNA Classes
There are a lot of things that might have brought you here. Maybe you’ve wanted to be a nurse all your life. Maybe you were doing something…