What are the CNA essential roles? On this blog, we celebrate the hard work and determination of those wanting to become certified nursing assistants. And, yes, we are a little biased toward wanting you to leap into the challenging, wonderful world of being a CNA. But we also know a sane person doesn’t apply for a job without knowing what they’d have to do for it first. Because we support making informed decisions, we’ve compiled a quick overview of what are the CNA essential roles.

What are the CNA essential roles?

Meeting Patient’s Personal Needs

Whatever the setting, a lot of a CNA’s day consists of meeting the personal needs of their patients. This includes helping with personal hygiene, toileting, exercise, and making sure patients get proper amounts of food and drink. Patients with limited mobility may also need help rolling over in bed to prevent sores, rising from bed, and moving to different rooms. This care can be physically strenuous and requires a good deal of patience, but it meets people on a level more personal than others in the medical field are privileged to. This is one of the most essential roles of certified nursing assistants.

Observing Medical Needs

As a CNA, you are not usually expected to perform medical procedures or make diagnoses. However, you will be expected to check vitals such as temperature, pulse, respiration, and blood pressure. Because of that, CNAs are sometimes the first to know if there is something wrong with a patient and can find help. CNAs may also help remind patients of their medications and assist them in taking them, preventing them from needing additional medical attention. This is also a very important CNA essential roles.

Record Keeping

Record keeping is not often seen as glamorous in any profession. However, as a CNA, it’s incredibly necessary. Those who are under the care of a CNA—whether in a nursing facility, hospital, or in-home—are likely dealing with ongoing medical conditions. Proper record keeping by a CNA will help give doctors a clearer picture of the progress of a health condition and inform the patient’s future care. Another CNA essential roles


Housekeeping is a smaller but still important part of a CNA’s daily routine, and it may look a little different depending on the setting. In hospitals, this may mostly include changing sheets and clearing a room of trash or dust. A nursing home may require laundry and dishes to be done as well. An in-home setting may call for you to do all these things plus some light meal prep. These little tasks help improve the emotional well-being of both patients and their families.

Certified nursing assistants have a variety of individual tasks. Still, if you had to sum up the CNA essential roles, it is improving patient quality of life, supporting patients, and being with them for all the little day-to-day things that others may not be present for. We’ve done our part to help you make an informed decision. Now it’s up to you to become a Florida nursing assistant.