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What You Should Wear To Your CNA Exam

What You Should Wear To Your CNA Exam

When you’re dressing for your first day of CNA class, there isn’t a lot to stress about. You’re just starting out, and the focus is on dressing comfortably and practically. But when the day comes to face the big, bad exam, it isn’t just about learning and practicing anymore.…

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employer partnership

What To Wear To Your First CNA Class

When we were kids, our parents, peers, and local clothing stores made a big deal about what we wore on our first day of school. Your outfit was a confidence booster and your first impression, so you looked for your prettiest dress or coolest new sneakers. We’re not kids anymore,…

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How To Handle Patient Complaints as a CNA

How To Handle Patient Complaints as a CNA

If you’ve ever worked a job that deals with that great entity known as “The Public,” you know all about complaints. You’ve probably had customers shout at you because their order wasn’t right, their service wasn’t quick enough, or they wanted a refund that just wasn’t in your…

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How to become a Cna

Celebrating CNAs | Reasons Why CNAs are So Important

Certified nursing assistant. Don’t let the medical-sounding terminology fool you. If you look it up in a thesaurus, you’ll find it’s a synonym for “superhero.” Whether they’re priming IV tubing in a major hospital or helping an older man settle into his own bed at night, there…

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How To Protect Nursing Home Residents During COVID-19

How To Protect Nursing Home Residents During COVID-19

It takes a lot of courage to face a global pandemic and work with the group most susceptible to the illness. But one day, when this all goes down in history, you will be able to say that you were one of the brave few on the front lines. However, we have to get through the event…

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Tips for Caring With Patients With Memory Loss

Tips for Caring With Patients With Memory Loss

Perhaps without meaning to, we often take for granted the value of memory and its role in our everyday lives. It’s our link to our pasts and the thing that allows us to perform simple tasks, such as chores or conversation. Often, it takes seeing someone lose their memory to…

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How To Recognize and Avoid Caregiver Burnout

How To Recognize and Avoid Caregiver Burnout

When you decided to become a CNA, you probably did so in part because you wanted to make the world a better place. But the constant day-to-day grind of working in a high-intensity environment with people who are facing traumatic scenarios can take a toll on even the most…

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The Importance of Communication Skills as a CNA

The Importance of Communication Skills as a CNA

When people list the factors of a good relationship, communications usually comes up at some point on the list. Without communication, we miss connections and don’t meet the needs of those around us. While most people refer to this in the context of romantic relationships, this…

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What You Need To Be a Successful CNA

What You Need To Be a Successful CNA

It’s one thing to be able to do a job, but it’s another thing entirely to do a job well. This is true in any career but especially for CNAs. This job that we’ve chosen can be hard sometimes–very hard, if we’re honest. But we also know how important it is to do our jobs well. We…

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Tips for Assisting Patients With Eating and Drinking

Tips for Assisting Patients With Eating and Drinking

To state the obvious, food is important. If you’re fighting illnesses, it’s even more vital. Unfortunately, even though the sick and injured need food and water to help them heal, their condition may make consuming it difficult. That’s where CNAs come in. If you’re new to the…

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